Life is like an obstacle course

2 min readFeb 10, 2021

Having a positive mindset will be the main factor in separating the boys from the men (or the girls from the women). Life is like an obstacle course, with each negative thought being an object that stands in your way. Most people let themselves be transformed by how others perceive them when they should be focused on how they feel about themselves.

The important thing to remember is that it takes many years of hard work and determination to become a stronger version of yourself. Change in your lifestyle never happens in a day. You might wake up every day and keep wondering why nothing is changing. Next thing you know, years go by and you realize that you’re much happier than all those years ago. It starts with ridding yourself of toxic environments and people. Also, it’s important to wake up every day and say something you love about yourself.

This is what we call positive affirmations. They will help elevate your mindset to help you reach new heights and prepare yourself for anything the world wants to throw at you. Fear is the biggest offender in keeping someone held down. Don’t let that fear create a void in your life that you’ll never get back. One tiny piece of damage will take years to repair, forcing you to spend more energy and drain you daily.

Listen to the inner voice that tells you which path you should follow. Only through understanding what your heart and mind tell you will you be able to gain the higher ground. It’s a team effort, which many people forget. “You’re not alone.” is more than just a phrase people throw out into the world. It is the truth that will guide you through the darkness and into the light that we all deserve to see.




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